Dear Friends,
Today, tomorrow and Thursday at 3:00 PM CT I will be, over ZOOM, sharing the anti-flu eurythmy exercises given by Rudolf Steiner in the 1920s.
To join the zoom call please use the links below.
Monday, March 30th, 3:00 PM CT
Tuesday, March 31st, 3:00 PM CT
Thursday, April 2nd, 3:00 PM CT ATHENA has set up a "Children in Need” fund for those who need therapeutic eurythmy and can’t afford it. Donations to this fund are accept through PayPal: IMPORTANT: When making a donation, please us the “Sending to a friend” option in PayPal (to avoid fees), and add a note specifying “Children in Need fund.” If the times offered are not convenient for you, please email me at livingartseurythmy@gmail.comand we can set up another time. Yours,
Mary Ruud